In the past, you may have bought many different paper planners, were excited about all the possibilities, and could sense that it would be JUST WHAT YOU NEEDED! You used it for the first few days or weeks, and then…it didn’t seem to work anymore. If you have had this experience, you are not alone.  

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Maybe you have moved, maybe you are in a new job, a new school, a new church or town.  Maybe you are feeling the tinge of loneliness.  

Have you prayed for a friend lately?

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In the past, you may have bought many different paper planners, were excited about all the possibilities, and could sense that it would be JUST WHAT YOU NEEDED!  You used it for the first few days or weeks, and then…it didn’t seem to work anymore.  If you have had this experience, you are not alone.  

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First of all, don’t quit or give up! This is a process and you won’t be perfect at it. Be gentle with yourself and realistic. Don’t throw it all out just because of a temporary “slump” it’s OK.

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Have you ever wondered, “How am I made- what are the different parts of me, and why does it matter?”  If so, perhaps this explanation will uncover some of the mysteries behind how we are marvelously created and interwoven between our Spirit, Soul, and Body and the importance of ALL of you!   

Get to know us

Muneyi from Zimbabwe, Africa, and Julie from Midwestern, America. They come from starkly different backgrounds, yet there are many common threads throughout their Christ-centered journey. God has worked through their friendship in powerful and dynamic ways as they supported each other in seeking God, intentionally working to heal-  Spirit, Soul, and Body, and managing the day-to-day routines and responsibilities of everyday  life.  

Hi, We're Julie + Muneyi!

We are best friends helping other friends who are SEEKERS in Christ.

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Get the assessments

Take our two free self-assessments to determine where you land on the "SEEKERS JOURNEY" for Stewarding your Time and Spirit, Soul & Body Health. The evaluation itself will serve as a sneak peek into some of what you will learn while being part of the HealThy Life Community. Your results will serve as baseline data before engaging with our process and can be taken later as a measure of your growth over time.

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Ready to dive into HLP Planner How-To training, accountability, community, and coaching that will help bring you out of struggle and striving and into soaring?